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Will I see changes in my child’s behavior when he goes to school or day care?

It might take your child a few weeks to adjust to school or day care, and during that time you may see some changes in behavior, such as bed-wetting, nightmares, decreased appetite, more frequent whining, and reluctance to go to school. Getting used to a program is more difficult for some children than others, but most children are affected in some way during the early days of a new situation. You’ll have to be patient and understanding as your child adjusts.

If, after several weeks, she’s still showing behavioral changes and seems unhappy, talk to her teachers, and stay to observe the program. You might even drop in unexpectedly to see how she is and to try to find out why she isn’t enjoying herself. As you watch her, ask yourself the following questions: Does she seem to have friends she enjoys? Is she one of the youngest children in the group? (If she is, she may feel less confident and accepted.) Is she getting enough attention from her teachers? If the program seems inappropriate, take her out and find a better one. But if you’re unsure, wait a bit before making your decision. Your child just might need an extra amount of understanding and time to adjust to day care or school.
Will I see changes in my child’s behavior when he goes to school or day care? Will I see changes in my child’s behavior when he goes to school or day care? Reviewed by Unknown on 9:15 AM Rating: 5

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